Friday, February 3, 2012

A Rainy, Windy Day in Ostia Antica
I've never been so cold for so many hours at a time as I was today. That said, I think we will be able to appreciate Ostia Antica when returning during the warmer months. Ostia Antica is a necropolis of tombs located outside of Rome. We saw some brilliantly preserved mosaics and built structures. What I really wanted to stumble across was an old corpse. At least I know to bring a shovel for next time.

The Roman Theater at Ostia Antica

An underground tomb. It was dark with the exception of the skylight that lit up this sculpture.

You can't see too well here, but it was snowing fairly hard today on our way back from Ostia Antica to the Cenci. It rarely snows in Rome. We were also suffering pretty hard, optimistically.
 In for the night at the Cenci.


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